Delivery Orders Under Control
Manage all your delivery orders from different platforms through the ePOS system with Simpra’s wide integration options.
Dilara Üstünsöz
Make Me Joi
Speed and practicality are the most important things for us. That's why we chose Simpra.
Koray Hatem
YADA Sushi
I can instantly see how my business is in that day's turnover with Simpra. This is a great convenience.
Sarah Nile Cameron
I can easily use Simpra and I am very happy with it.
All Your Orders In One Place! Improve communication with external delivery partners for smoother pick-up and delivery. Stop manually re-entering your orders from different delivery channels in your ePOS.
All Delivery Orders on Single
Platform with Simpra
Meet Simpra to manage all of your delivery order processes through your ePOS system!
Delivery Orders In Your Fingertips
Manage all delivery service processes, receive payments easily, and provide perfect management in the ePOS system with Simpra’s flexible and easy-to-use interface,
Instant Order Display
All your package orders are instantly reflected in the ePOS system.
Courier Assignment
Make the courier assignment of your orders instantly via the ePOS system.
Getting Payment
SimpraPOS supports different payment methods and makes it easy to receive payments.
ePOS System Integration
All orders, received payments, courier information and more appear in the ePOS system.
The Perfect Delivery Experience
Manage the delivery service processes flawlessly in your business with the advanced interface of the delivery service application.
Easy Address Entry
Customers can easily mark the delivery address of their orders with a pin on the map and create their orders.
Region Selection from the Map
Determine the delivery area by drawing on the map or directly choose your service area from the search tab.
Delivery Pricing Option
Set different delivery pricing for the delivery areas you have marked on the map.
Suitable Globally
Customers can mark their delivery address on the map or they can define their addresses with a zip code.
User Story
Listen from our users why you should choose Simpra.
Need Delivery Order Software? Meet Simpra Now!
"Simpra'yla çalışmanın ardından, siparişler içinde hiçbir karışıklık ve aksaklık yaşamadan aksiyon alabildik."
Erman Eroğlu